Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Look Closely

I’ve been eating very simply lately, so this post is brought to you by my very talented and creative aunt. I believe she made these tricky treats for Halloween.

TV Dinner for Two?

These mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, and fried chicken are really cupcakes! Aren’t they the cutest things ever?!! The mashed potato cupcakes are topped with yellow starburst candy and caramel, the peas and carrots are m&m’s and starburst, and the fried chicken breading is crushed cornflakes. I think they are quite impressive. Her inspiration came from this recipe.

Anyone motivated to make a cupcake Thanksgiving buffet?


Andrea said...

I'm always impressed by other people's creativity. My cupcakes always look just like ... cupcakes!

The Voracious Vegan said...

These cupcakes are messing with my mind! One side of my brain is all hungry for dessert when I see them, and then I start hankering for mashed potatoes and gravy! THE CONFUSION!

Ri8cki said...

Those really are impressive! The mashed potato ones look so. . . real. I'd love to see a Thanksgiving cupcake meal. Are you taking up the challenge? ;)

Anonymous said...

This is so freakin' adorable! I would love to serve something like this to my friends to see their reactions.

Hannah said...

Ha, these are awesome! They'd be perfect for an April Fool's Day trick/treat, too.

Bianca said...

What an awesome idea! I'll take cupcakes for every course, please...

Meg Wolff said...

She is an artist!

Oraphan said...

Haha! You're so right!!! These cupcakes are the cutest things ever! Your aunt is awesome and very talented, I'm so impressed:)

Arizona bankruptcy (lawyer) said...

Wonderfully done. Though, I'm having a hard time believing that those mashed potatoes aren't really mashed potatoes.

Food creativity, gotta love it.

jessy said...

those cuppies are just too awesome, Diann! your aunt is super creative & talented, indeed! i would have never thought to do something like that - or have the ability to pull it off, too. wow!

we've been eating really simple foods lately, too. the fall produce is so delicious on its own we've been enjoying squashes, rice, beans, and sauteed veggies. easy & simple, but oh-so awesome.

i hope your weekend is super stellar! :)

Jes said...

Those mashed potatoes cupcakes are creepy authentic looking--I'm impressed!

River - The Crafty Kook said...

Wow! I never would have guessed that those were cupcakes! Your aunt is indeed very talented and creative!

Monique a.k.a. Mo said...

That is so freaking AWESOME!!! That's what I call halloween goodies!

bazu said...

ok, those are the coolest thing ever! wow!

urban vegan said...

Positively evil--and brilliant!

Sindy said...

The most adorable sugar-induced coma on a plate! Very clever!

Michal said...

aww these are so cute!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh those are SO cute! what a creative idea..a thanksgiving one would be awesome too! :)

Jackie said...

Very creative :)

Anonymous said...

who knew tv dinners could be cute.

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